Tavarua Fiji
24th November 2012
Tavarua, first time and am pretty excited. Although this
time of year is not the best surf window it looks like we may have some
shoulder high waves when we arrive. I am travelling with a couple of buddies
and it is first time for all of us.
Flight time from Melbourne is only a short five hours
Hot weather in Fiji and after a forty minute bouncing
ride in a battered Hi Ace van we stop in front of a mangrove swamp.
We wade out to a small boat and cruise over to Tavarua Island. The trip lasts about twenty minutes and the smart move is to pack a water proof spray jacket and sit in the middle seat.
The staff greet you on the sand and with a minimum of
check in procedure you will be in your Bure or bungalow in no time.
The island resort is pretty spectacular and if there is
some swell and offshore wind Woo Hoo!!!
The water quality is brilliant. Racing down the line at
cloud break you can clearly see the coral bottom and fish as you you surf.
Cloud Break and Restraunt's are the two classic left
handers here and were exclusive to
Tavarua. That has all changed but the upside is you can boat to all the other
breaks close by. Namotu is only a stones throw away and has three waves around
it. The surf here is fast breaking hollow waves over coral.
As for your quiver! The small fat beach break model can
stay at home, you need a good paddler that goes good down the line, preferably
at warp speed. Extra concave always helps.
If eight feet plus thundering cloud break or five feet
super hollow restaraunts is out your league don't despair it ain't always like
that and even if those are conditions when arrive on your trip Nomotu lefts and
swimming pools can be great fun.
All the surf spots bar Restaraunts have to accessed by
boat. The surf guides are cool and know there stuff. Boats start leaving at 5am
and then all through the day. It isn't
an on demand service but with a little planning and cooperation from other
guests the boys will look after you. There will always be a guide/life guard on
a boat or in the water with you. You will not get dropped off in the lineup by
yourself and the boat leave.
snorkelling, fishing, kayaking, Stand paddling, tennis,
table tennis and a massage are all on the to do list.
Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served from the buffet at
set times during the day. If you hear the conch shell being blown, tucker is
on. The bar stocks are pretty cool and everything is on the room bill to be
settled as you leave. Plenty of people get a bit of a shock at there bar tab. (
did I drink that much? Answer - Sure did)
Cava Night is usually on a Thursday and comprises of an
official welcome by the chief, a ceremonial drink of Cava and some
The Fijians love it. Laughing, singing, traditional
dress and dancing.
I didn't pick up too much of the language but Bula is
welcome and Vinaka means thank you.
Never been to Fiji ? put it on your bucket list because
you won't be disappointed. Looking to
take the family and are frothing on Restaraunts and cloud breakTavarua works a
treat. Prefer the late night bar life try Nomotu.
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